Thank you for not wasting my time.

I don't know why most guys wasted my time for no reason, but I’m not mad. in fact, I’m thankful. I’ll never know the real reason they came into my life, but my gut tells me that their fade away was definitely for the best. In fact, I know it was. It happens all the time, so I am not surprised, I don't expect too much and I never take their words personally, I think I'm used to it. 

You probably thought that I would confront you with the question of why: “Why did you pull away? What happened and why did you change your mind? What did I do wrong? What could I have done better? Why did you lead me on if we weren't going anywhere, and last, but not least, why didn't you fight for me?” The truth is, I really didn’t care. I’m looking for a grown man who can have a real conversation and talk about things like adults, not a boy living in the shell of a man.

I guess when I truly think about it, you didn’t really waste my time at all. It’s because of you that I know not to settle for a clueless guy who doesn’t know what he wants or how to win a heart like mine. It’s because of you and your attempt at offering me less than I deserve that I remember my worth and what I have to look forward to in the right guy for me. Girls, you must know: The right guy will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is. The real guy will care about the size of your heart, not of your face and your body. He will not scared of commitment, and he will respect you.

Now, I know the difference between words and actions and how important it is to put your words into actions. I also know how I deserve to be treated and I've moved on, and I'm so happy to know you're happy as well. I guess what I'm trying to say is, thanks for wasting my time because, in the end it wasn't a waste, not even at all. Thank you.


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