I have learned a lot this year!
This year I've learned I can only trust a few people in life
Everybody isn't my friend
Rumors spread like a wildfire
Everyone is dying to see me fall
Sometimes, crying can make everything better
Love takes time and patience and it's about sacrifice
No body's perfect
Privacy is everything
The worst days of my life seem to go by the slowest,
and the best days go by fastest.
Everyone has insecurities
It's better to say something to somebody's face,
rather than behind their back no matter what it is.
11:11 is no longer grant wishes anymore
I learned time heals every pain
Broken hearts hurt but I still survive
And I know they are a part of my life too
Love is not easy tho.
I learned yelling and crying won't get me anywhere
People will back stab me but I will be a stronger person
I have to learn to not care
Patience is a key and moving on is necessary
Forgiveness is hard, but tomorrow is a new day, and life will always go on
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