Terimakasih telah mencintai saya begitu banyak

I really didn't expect for a birthday cake, I think I am too old for this. And then it arrived... sent by my students. Aww it was so sweet of you all think of me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Maybe words can fail me to4 express my gratitude but I just want to say, I love you so much, thank you for always loving me, trusting me to be your teacher, teaching me everyday to be a better person.

I feel so blessed and lucky I get to do what I love everyday. Whenever I feel sad, they always find a way to make me feel better. They warm my heart and always kind words to say.Sometimes teaching is hard, there are so many times I want to quit. I hate the administrations, I hate rules that make us smaller and limited, but when I meet them every morning, I realize there is nothing I would rather do than be a teacher to all of you. 😘😘😘

To all my students: I love you more than words can possibly express. I am with you today and everyday after. I will pick you up every time you fall. Your words are powerful and they are valuable. Be kind and have courage. I am so grateful to have gotten to know each of you one years a go and I am looking forward to many more great times in 2020! 🎉🎉🎉

In the end, I just want to say thank you for making my birthday special :')
And thank you for the surprise birthday cake. I love it and everyone's love it!
My students and parents are the best! Thank you moms 💕💕💕

Finish strong together,
grateful teacher


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