Love is patient.

Why it is so easy for some people to find love, while for others it takes ages and even some people never find love?

From now on, you have to change your mindset. Don't be afraid or restless anymore. Let's trust in God's timing. God knows what the best for you is. He knows when you are ready. Love is not something you go out, rush and look for. Love will find you and when it does, ready or not it will be the best thing to ever happen to you.

Love cannot be measured by how long you wait. It's about how well you understand why you are waiting. Don't ever rush anything you want to last forever. The right person will wait on you as long as it takes and fall in love with your soul. When you think love is all about accepting, you completely wrong. Love is not only about accepting but also tolerating, and allowing. Love is a hard work, trust, and tears. The pain, heartache, ups and downs of love are worth it.

The heart that is meant to love you will fight for you when you want to give up, pick you up when you are feeling down. They will never get strength from seeing you weak, power from seeing you hurt, joy from seeing you cry. The heart that is meant to love you wants to see the best you not to hurt you.

So don't worry.. God will send you someone who trully loves you, appreciates you for everything, makes you happy, stands by you, someone who is brave enough to enter your storm. God is good. Trust Him. We will find someone who loves us the way we love them. ❤


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