A farewell message to my students.

Dear my students,
1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 5A, 5B, 5C students.

I usually won't admit it, but to be honest, a part of me gets a little emotional when I say goodbye, so I wanted to take a moment to remember our time together. Because you matter and I love you guys so so so much. I'm sorry that there were times I was too overwhelmed and exhausted to talk with you. I'm sorry that there were times when I got frustrated, and I lost my patience. But mostly, I'm sorry that we ran out of time. I'm sorry that this is our last day together, and I'm even more sorry that I am not a perfect teacher and I won't be seeing any of you again next year.

Thank you for filling my life each day full of color, love and laughter. Thank you for making me smile and saying some words to bring my spirits up on my bad day. Thank you for sharing your life with me through writing and conversation. Thanks for keeping me up on new songs and newest YouTube videos. You keep me young. You give my job so meaningful. I'm going to miss you all. I'm gonna miss your jokes and your smiling faces. I'll miss the funny things you say that crack me up. But mainly, I miss all of you. Even you, class clowns. You are much more to me than your actions. You teach me how to be patient and wise.

I wish you all the best. I am so excited to see all the great things that you'll do, and the amazing places you'll go. Wherever life takes you, I hope you remember to live fully and enjoy every second of the moment you're in. Because trust me, they go oh so fast. Too fast. Then one day you wake up and you're my age and you wonder where the last ten years of your life have run off to. Dear students, enjoy the time you have here. Make the most of it. Don't wish it away. Laugh daily. Love each other well. Sacrifice for others. And never give up on your dreams. Because if you think you're too cool for something fun or you think that you're better than someone else, you're really just hurting yourself. You're stealing your own joy before you even get to experience it. Be a kid. Live a life of fun and adventure. Support and build up; don't tear down and destroy.

Thank you students for being understanding and being cute. Thank you for caring, inspiring and teaching me all the time. Thank you for loving me. I promise I won't forget you, and I hope you don't forget me either. I can't tell you how much joy it brings us teachers to have a student come back and say hi, or tell us how they're doing. Because you will forever be a part of our story here.

Good bye ❤


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