1 Corinthians 13:4

 I don’t know how I got so lucky to end up with someone that loves me like this . I never doubt how he feels about me cause he shows me how much he values me on a daily basis.

His consistency and his commitment that really shows just how serious he is about being with me and staying in this relationship.

He does not say a lot but shows with his action, He is not romantic but always tries to give his best in his own way, who constantly believes in me and loves me no matter what (I wish hehehe)

Thank you God for being so good to me ❤️

Pernikahan itu cuma butuh sedikit cinta, sisanya komunikasi, kompromi, toleransi serta kerja sama, dan yg pasti adalah mengesampingkan ego dan jg gengsi, karena menikah itu 10% cinta 90% teman, yg selalu memeluk kita ketika kita resah, sedih dan bahagia, teman suka duka, itulah cinta.


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